Homework Help

General Homework Help Links
Dictionary.com - This site has a complete interactive dictionary for access online. So, do you know what cacophony means?
Mamma.com - This site boasts it is the "mother of all search engines." So far, they seem to be right on.
How Stuff Works - This site has a how-to collection of articles explaining the inner workings of such things as telephones, CD's and human cells.
Learn2.com - Everything you ever wanted to learn about but didn't know how to ask: learn new skills with step-by-step tutorials.

Math Links
Math Help - Links you to help in Mathematics, from elementary grade math levels to graduate school math levels.

History Links
PBS - Program schedules, briefs and information about shows, including the American Experience, Peoples' Century, Frank Lloyd Wright, The Civil War and Thomas Jefferson.
The American Memory Collection - Primary, archival materials on American history, including recordings, photos, documents and film.
The Smithsonian Institute - Exhibits and art works from Smithsonian museums, galleries & research centers.

Science Links
Scientific American - Breaking science news stories, science Q&A and article archive.
Discovery Channel Online - Daily newsbriefs, features and expeditions in science, nature, space and the environment.
PBS - Program schedules, briefs and information about shows, including NOVA, the Living Edens, Savage Earth, Scientific American Frontiers, Stephen Hawking's Universe and A Science Odyssey.
The Why? Files - The National Institute for Science Education's electronic exploration of the science behind the news.
National Space Society - Links to online space resources, Q&A with astronauts and info on the society.

Maps and Geography Links
National Geographic - Multimedia articles and spectacular photos spanning the world.
CIA World Factbook - Maps, flags and background information on the countries of the world.
50States.com - Information about each state and its capital, including the state flag, nicknames and more.
US Gazetteer - Obtain maps and applicable census data straight from the source.
Library of Congress Country Studies - Information and articles about the political, economic and social systems of different nations.

Reading and Literature Links
Find a Poet - Locate a poet and poems online and learn more about how to read poetry.
ResearchPaper.com - Guide to research topics, grammar and writing tips, by-subscription resource searches.
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations - Collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in literature.